- v2.0.2 - Jule 2015
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark_text
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark_color
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark_opacity
- Added to the admin panel setting watermark_image
- Added to the admin panel setting page_about
- Added to the admin panel setting page_police
- Added to the admin panel setting google analytics
- Fixed error on generate language
- Fixed centering Name
- Fixed check downloaded files (improvement security)
- Fixed error transparent background in template
- Fixed error in iOS8 template
- Fixed error in failure arrows bubbles

- v2.0.1 - April 2015
- modified design
- Added emotions (Emojis)
- Added positioning uploaded image
- Added the ability to create their own translation
- Added multilanguage
- Added bootstrap switch
- Added setting default_ios_type
- Added setting show_ios_type
- Added setting show_startup_help
- Minor fixes

- v1.0.2 - April 2015
- Fixed display "saving screen" for a mobile device
- Fixed errors when scrolling large dialogues
- Fixed button "Click here to upload image"

- v1.0.1 - April 2015
- Added switch type iOS 7 and iOS 8
- Added social sharing buttons (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest)
- Added LTE connection type
- Added admin panel
- Added gallery images in the admin panel
- Added simple configuration
- Fixed an error keeps if the php in strict mode
- Fixed display on small screens

- v1.0.0 - April 2015
- Release
- Font Awesome 4.3.0 (http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/)
- Bootstrap 3.3.4 (http://getbootstrap.com)
- bootstrapSwitch v1.2 (http://www.larentis.eu/switch/)